ADA Paratransit Program


The Maui Bus paratransit service is an advance reservation, curb-to-curb service for persons with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route Maui Bus service. The County of Maui, Department of Transportation (MDOT) provides Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) paratransit service through the Maui Bus, and MEO is the operator. 

The ADA requires fixed route bus systems to provide paratransit (curb to curb) service to eligible persons who, because of a disability, are unable to use the regular bus system. Eligibility for paratransit service is based on a person’s disability and functional capabilities to use the regular bus service.

Service Area: Paratransit service is available within corridors whose boundaries extend three-fourths of a mile on each side of each fixed Maui Bus route. The corridor shall include an area within three-fourths of a mile radius at the ends of each fixed route, including service to small pockets not inside any of the corridors but which are surrounded by corridors. **Fixed route service is a bus service that has predetermined routes with specified stops that conform to a timetable. 

Curb-to-Curb Service: Within the service area, riders will be picked up at the nearest and safest point next to the curbside fronting the public street address requested. Riders will be dropped off at the nearest and safest point next to the curbside of the destination address within the service area. 

The Maui Bus paratransit service is not a taxi service and does not provide transportation outside of the service area. Ambulance- or emergency-type services also are not provided. If emergency services are required, please call 911.

Application Forms

ADA Paratransit Service application forms are available for download below or at:

County of Maui Department of Transportation
2145 Kaohu St. #102
Wailuku, HI 96793