New playgrounds springing up at MEO Head Start sites

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September 22, 2022
New playground structures are going up at six Maui Economic Opportunity Head Start sites on Maui and Moloka‘i. The new playgrounds are open air and provide for better safety and supervision of children, compared to the old tower structures, some of which were put up as far back as 2005. The demolition of the old equipment and installation of the new structures have been ongoing since August. The last installation is set for early October in Kihei.

The old tower-style play structure is being taken down on Monday at Maui Economic Opportunity’s Head Start site at UH-Maui College. It will be replaced with an open air play structure, which will allow for better supervision of the children.


Shown is the new play structure at the Lahaina Head Start site.

The Makawao Head Start site was one of six Head Start sites on Maui and Moloka‘i to receive a new play structure.

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