Dallin Tancayo honored Wednesday as MEO Molokai Branch Volunteer of the Year nominee

Home » About MEO » Events & Information » Dallin Tancayo honored Wednesday as MEO Molokai Branch Volunteer of the Year nominee
February 17, 2023

Dallin Tancayo, who has been a supporter of the new Kāohi youth drug, bullying and suicide prevention program, was honored Wednesday as MEO Moloka‘i Branch Volunteer of the Year nominee. About 25 people attended MEO’s Moloka‘i Volunteer Celebration at MEO in Kaunakakai.

Dallin, the husband of Kāohi coordinator Mela Candelario, helped with set-up and breakdown at youth and MEO events and taught a vehicle maintenance class to the intermediate and high school youth during the summer.

The audience also was treated to a performance by the Head Start preschoolers.

Dallin Tancayo was honored as MEO Moloka‘i Branch nominee for Volunteer of the Year.

Head Start preschoolers offered entertainment at MEO’s Moloka‘i Volunteer Celebration on Wednesday.

CEO Debbie Cabebe poses for a photo with Aunty Tiny.

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