Twenty-three Moloka‘i youth participated in games and activities that highlighted the negative impacts of alcohol, tobacco and bullying and learned about their “sources of strength” at the second Maui Economic Opportunity-run Kamp Kāohi on April 13 and 14 at Moloka‘i Baptist Church.
The middle and high school youth maneuvered around an obstacle course wearing goggles that simulate drunkenness, played the Telephone Game to illustrate the harm of spreading rumors, and learned the power of listening in an exercise involving a blindfolded youth. Other activities focused on leadership, resiliency and effective communication.
Dr. Deborah Goebert of the John A. Burns School of Medicine stopped by to present her “Sources of Strength” curriculum, which touched on mental health and suicide prevention.
The camp was organized by MEO Youth Services and the Kāohi program on Moloka‘i. Staff from Maui flew over to assist the Moloka‘i team.
For more information about MEO Kāohi programs on Moloka‘i, call (808) 553-5472.
Maui Economic Opportunity Youth Services on Moloka‘i and Maui held the second Kamp Kāohi at Moloka‘i Baptist Church on April 13 and 14. Twenty-three middle and high schoolers participated in the camp that included activities focusing on mental health, alcohol, drug and smoking prevention, and fun.
One of the activities at the second Kamp Kāohi was an activity using drunkenness simulation goggles. Youth got to see the effects of 0.07 to 0.21 blood alcohol content. 0.08 is the legal limit for driving. Shown are (from right): Dylan Kiroloss, Thompson Lopez, Alea Basa, Kekoa Kaahanui and Luke-Humble DiMaggio.
Aaron Guerrero, MEO Youth Service specialist, plays “1-2-3-Look,” a game that encourages participants to observe their fellow players. This was a cyberbullying and suicide prevention exercise at Kamp Kāohi.
MEO Youth Services Director Dane Ka‘ae and Specialist Aaron Guerrero discuss leadership at Kamp Kāohi held April 13 and 14.